ElasticSearch Logstash Kibana

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This course will guide you through the installation and configuration of Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana. It is an instructor-led training course, incorporating real-world examples of logging, analytics, and search.

Code Title Duration Price HT
elk01 ElasticSearch Logstash Kibana 1 days Consult us


The workshop covers real-world data sets and instructors work with the participants to ingest, search, and visualize them. This includes an Elasticsearch overview, Logstash configuration, creation of dashboards in Kibana, how to process logs, recommended architecture for designing a system to scale, choosing hardware, and managing the life cycle of your logs.


Whether you’re an experienced developer wanting to learn more or just starting with the Elastic Stack, this course will teach you how to successfully install, configure, and optimize your deployment.


  • No prior knowledge of the Elastic Stack is required
  • Comfort using the terminal or command line is recommended



Presentation then lab for each module



  • Elastic Stack Overview
  • Logs and Problems


  • What and Why
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Inputs, Filters, and Outputs
  • Field References
  • Conditionals
  • Lab


  • What and Why
  • Terminology: Documents, Index, Shards, Node, Cluster
  • Installation and Configuration
  • Working with Data
  • Time-based Data
  • Lab


  • What and Why
  • Settings
  • Time Picker, Search, and Filters
  • Kibana Discover, Visualization, and Dashboard Interfaces
  • Lab

Operation Checklist

  • Handling Back Pressure
  • Deployment Architectures
  • Hardware Best Practices
  • Security
  • Debugging and Monitoring


  • Laptop with connectivity to Wi-Fi
  • Mac, Linux OS, or Windows 7 or later
  • A modern web browser
  • Java version 1.7u55 or later installed
  • At least 20% free disk space


Elastic Logstash Kibana log
